DiKon develops digital standards for the construction industry
DiKon Construction
It is important to spread digital standards so that the same digital language is spoken when collaborating in the construction industry. This gives the parties involved the same approach in regards to how we develop projects. Below you will find all DiKon’s publications within the construction segment
Case: Postgaarden
Postgaarden - Det Tegningsløse Projekt (The Virtual Project)
How do we ensure that we build as we have built virtually? According to VDC Group Manager at Per Aarsleff A/S and DiKon member Nikolaj Finnäs Dehn, the solution is to quit the drawings and liberalize the BIM model.
DiKon Construction
Member Organisations
DiKon Construction is a collaboration across eight significant organisations in the Danish construction industry – all of whom share the mission of developing and contributing to the digital basis for value-creating processes for the good of the member organisations and the Danish construction industry as a whole.